When things are at there darkest it takes a brave man to kick back and party.
I will pay my dues at the end of the regular season, once a winner has been named for the cup. just make sure my screwdriver is nice and polished, so I can take it and stab the owner, coach, and every player on the team. This could be far and away the absolute lowest the La Coupe could ever get, I am well on track for having a perfect season, perfectly horrible. How many wins? Zero, Donut, Goose Egg, Nada, Zip, Ziltch, Not A Single, Solitary Frinkin' Win! Hallaluya, Holy Shit! Where's the Tylenol?
At 10:02 PM ,
Fritz said...
I'm suddenly thinking of the immortal Chevy Chase from the movie Fletch Lives: "It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong. I am not a big man!"
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